Ok so low budget straight to dvd sequel it was never going to be as good as the original and to be frank it isnt. majormajor plot holes like the start when a fishing vessel gets a warning that they are in dangerous water they look round and theres nothing but the horizon in any direction moments later when they are dead theres our hero there on a lilittle dingy/speed boat. Where the bloody hell did he come from.
Anyway back to the turn your brain off for 1hr 34 minute film that is deep blue sea 2. The action scenes are ok but nothing spectacular that hasnt been done better before and the hamfisted acting from the cast isnt terrible but never going to be oscar worthy but with the script there given they do an ok job.
There all good eye candy and mostly make for good shark food.
The arrival of baby sharks is absolutly terrible and go on to make the movie worse than what it realy is.
Overall its a straight to dvd sequel so maybe i was expecting to much and being a big fan of the original. So il give it a 5 out of 10 for effort.