The Light of the Moon (Newcastle Film Festival)
This gritty, grounded, true to life account of the rape of a woman (Bonnie, played fantastically by Stephanie Beatriz, better known as Agent Diaz from Brooklyn 99) was my top film of the Newcastle Film Festival.
The plot takes place over about a month, and we see Bonnie trying to reintegrate herself back into her world of work, meeting friends, having an intimate relationship again with her boyfriend. She jumps from not wanting to talk about, to wanting her boyfriend to talk to her about it, who in turn doesn't know how to react to any of this. He tries to follow the guidelines but that only seems to make things worse. The story is nothing over the top. Nothing that leads her to decide to campaign or go on a revenge mission. Just a woman trying to get her life back to how it was before some unknown bastard decided to take advantage of her.
There were only a few stylistic cinematography shots but I felt that that was with a purpose as being too pretty a film would have downplayed the hard hitting context.
I doubt that this will ever be a mainstream movie, but I felt it excellently conveyed how easily such an occurrence could happen to someone, and the magnitude of the fall out.