The Star, is a computer animated adventure and comedy film which has an amazing cast including Steven Yeun (The Walking Dead) as the donkey Bo, Gina Rodriguez (Jane the virgin) as Mary and Zachary Levi (Chuck, Tangled and THOR) as Joseph. The Star also included a variety of stars as supporting characters including Oprah, Kelly Clarkson, Mariah Carey and Keegan-Michael Key. The Star is a playful retelling of the Nativity story but instead of focusing on Mary and Joseph, it is told from the animals point of view, all while remaining loyal to the story. .The Star tells the story of a small brave donkey working in a mill with dreams of doing more when he finds Mary and Joseph. Bo is seen by Jospeh as being a disobedient donkey, however, all the mishaps caused by Bo are his way of protecting Mary from the soldier King Herod sent to kill the new unborn king. This lovable retelling is entertaining and amusing for the whole family and is excellent at teaching younger viewers about the nativity.
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I can't even imagine how such cartoons are created on a computer. How much time and effort must be spent on such work. And they do it with the help of different software, which they know thoroughly.