Directed by: #JackCarrivick
Written by: Jack Carrivick
Starring: #StephenWight and #AislingBea

So here’s one to exercise those little grey cells; billed as naturalistic sci-fi with a tinge of horror, Be Uncertain is the type of short you’ll be sorely tempted to watch over and over again; and each time you’re likely to get something different from it. Interpretational freedom may appeal to some but I appreciate the traditional logic that usually follows the narrative. Nevertheless it definitely has something going for it although one can never be sure what ‘it’ is or might be.
Our story begins with JD (Stephen Wight) who is frustrated and bored by life’s inevitable routine. Girlfriend Sam (Aisling Bea) is an attractive but unresponsive partner. He prepares a meal for Sam but sense she would have been just as happy with a ready meal. JD resolves to break this spell of mundanity but how should he do it? He dons a tracksuit and sets out on a run to clear his head. A smart soundtrack allied to effective night time shooting create an atmosphere crackling with tension. Filming around London’s docklands gives the film a sharp metallic glow as colours bounce off street lights to great effect. Strangely deserted streets still give JD the impression he is being followed. He begins to run but is soon confronted by a knife wielding thug. What does JD do next; is he about to be mugged or has he entered a different reality. How much of what we see on screen is really happening inside his head?
Well you get a rough idea of where it’s going; it craftily throws in the odd curve ball just at the point you think you’ve got it worked out. For example, the word ‘leave’ daubed in pink across the car windscreen is likely to confuse the viewer. Ditto blood splattered notes left in JD’s car including the words ‘be uncertain’ (well what else?). The identity of JD’s attacker is somewhat surprising; a development closely resembling the aforementioned curve ball. It’s fair to assume this film does what it says on the tin, as you are never entirely certain what’s happening or indeed why it’s happening. It presents a series of disparate images that will send the viewer off in various directions and back again; which could be exactly what director Jack Carrivick intended in making us part of the game (or maybe not).
Aisling Bea lends firm support but Stephen Wight takes the cigar as he conveys excitement, confusion and fear in equal measure. A solidly produced piece but don’t expect it to make sense.