Press Release
Born To Do It:
Becoming the Leader of a Business Niche Using Powerful Spiritual Techniques
By Dr. Rebekah Louisa Smith
World-Renowned “Film Festival Doctor” Reveals How She Discovered her Soul Purpose, Found Her Niche and Drove Her Business to Increasing Heights through Mastering Spiritual & Business Practices. Smith Provides a Roadmap for People Looking to Start or Grow a Business They Love — And Thrive!

Rebekah Louisa Smith was earning her PhD, headed to the life of an academic. She had a plan completely mapped out until one day at a conference someone gushed about life as an academic and suddenly she realized, it wasn’t her passion. She didn’t gush over teaching film!
But fortunately, she was also simultaneously working at the Abertoir Horror Festival in Wales, travelling around to festivals all over Europe, gaining a tremendous amount of knowledge about film festivals, as she recruited filmmakers to the prestigious horror festival. She began giving advice to filmmakers who wanted to get into more festivals, win awards and gain visibility that would lead to sales revenue. Then it hit her, that’s what she loved doing! She had a marketable skill that she could turn into a business. Rebekah ultimately became recognized worldwide as The Film Festival Doctor, an innovator in her field. Her company has won more than 850 awards for her clients and has supported over 600 creatives to achieve their filmmaking dreams.
But through the years, she sputtered at times, struggled, hit many roadblocks and made lots of mistakes. What finally cleared the path to her rapid accession and towering success was the business guidance and the spiritual practices she learned from experts, and then immediately put into practice in her business.
In her new book, Born to Do It: Becoming the Leader of a Business Niche Using Powerful Spiritual Techniques, Rebekah wants to save you the same headaches she experienced, and she provides a roadmap to business success that embraces the spiritual principles that righted her ship. It’s a book for someone just contemplating the entrepreneurial journey or for anyone already growing a business that is struggling or in need of revitalization.
Here is a rare book that combines finding and defining the niche that empowers you, practical business skills and the spiritual “magic” that ignites acceleration!
The first of the key stops on Rebekah’s roadmap is the process of finding exactly what it is that you were born to do, your Soul Purpose, which gains momentum from your passion and helps you discover your special unique niche.
From there, Rebekah takes you on a journey to:
Grow your business niche
Energetically brand your business
Create a solid business infrastructure and craft a strong sales pitch
Implement cosmic ordering, manifestation and Feng Shui techniques into your business for maximum success
Using her own experiences as examples and saluting the experts who guided her in the process, she shows precisely what she learned and how you can apply that wisdom.
This book will quickly get you to clarity on what it is that you are born to do and empowers the drive and ambition in you to create the business your heart and soul desires.
Born to Do It is available on Amazon.