Filmmaker Interview by Chris Olson
Having recent seen (and loved) Robbie Walsh's indie film The Letters, I caught up with one of the film's stars to chat about her experience on the film and how she handled such an emotive role.

Thanks for chatting with us. How's life been treating you during the pandemic?
Thanks for having me. Good. I've been working as normal in my job in television and radio throughout the pandemic, so in many ways that was great.
Obviously, everything else was flipped on its head, so we made adjustments like everyone did and got in the swing of homeschooling, and sticking within restrictions, and missing people and all the other things we took for granted before Covid existed.
I didn't bake banana bread, but I did take up plumping, painting, wallpapering and all sorts around the house. Power tools are my new best friend.
Useful skills but shame about the banana bread. You recently starred in Robbie Walsh's stirring drama The Letters. How did you come to be part of the project?
I worked with Robbie before and he approached me when he was thinking about shooting The Letters. At first, I wasn't sure I'd be able to take on the project with timing around some other stuff, but once we talked it over I knew I didn't want to pass it up and we figured out a way to make it work.
Why did you want to play the character of Clinoa in the film?

Cliona's complex, intelligent, kind, driven and very much alone. Because I have kids and a husband, I guess if I was ever to think about the unimaginable and wonder what it would be like if I were to get sick, I always imagine a scenario where I'd be surrounded by people.
So the idea of Cliona going through her pain and suffering alone, with no one to confide in or to take care of her is distressing and sparked a deep sadness. I wanted to tell her story.
What do you hope audiences will take away from the film and your performance in particular?
It's impossible to watch The Letters and walk away without being affected. It's a powerful story and knowing it's inspired by true events increases the impact. I hope I handled the role with sensitivity and care.
What's next for you?
I'll probably eat lunch but I presume you mean professionally, so I'm currently working on a short film due to wrap this week. Then it's not until November that I'm committed to another feature film project so full-time job, three kids and I'm sure I can find something else to fix or build in the meantime.
I did mean lunch but good to know about the job too. What advice would you give to anyone wanting to become an actor?
Do it. No point thinking about it too much, just get out there and give it a go while you're enthusiastic because you'll need to work hard.
What would you say if you were a dolphin?
Quit throwing all your shit in the ocean, and yes - we are more intelligent than you!
Check out our review of The Letters.