Written and Directed by: #AaronCarroll
Starring: #PeterFlaherty and #KymValentine

Harvey just found out his best friend has passed away. He does what he knows best, runs away.
Harvey is a super dramatic yet humorous short film that tackles death and how some people may handle it… though not the most sharply written, it’s a beautifully performed piece and the two main actors, Peter Flaherty and Kym Valentine, are fantastic. After an interesting opening scene, which takes a turn when Harvey hears the news of his best friend passing away, he takes matters into his own hands and sprints off with no hesitation.
Throughout the short we’re left guessing what it is exactly that he’s running away from, or towards. But by the end I think it’s very clear and quite the pay-off. I find Australian humour pretty tasteful most of the time, from what I’ve seen. In some ways it’s similar to that of British, quite dry but smart when it wants to be. Harvey takes the more overdramatic approach but it works quite well.
Peter Flaherty’s strangely textured character is a joy to watch. He takes us through a pretty hefty internal journey with just a few minutes of story. His opening scene sets you up for what’s to come, and the running scenes were pretty entertaining to watch, if only for its visual… Captured wonderfully by cinematographer Cameron Zayec (also credited as producer), Harvey is not only an enjoyable short film for its witty and dramatic nature, but for it’s striking visuals also. Plenty of vibrant colours and as mentioned before, the neighbourhood looks very lively due to this.
The music score is skilfully composed by Andrew Worboys and assists the action on-screen very well. As the main character painstakingly sprints through the lively neighbourhood, the music is there with him in every step and stumble. Bringing this all together seamlessly is the clean edit by writer, director and producer Aaron Carroll. Looking at his discography, it seems like shorts are his shtick, so I do look forward to seeing more of his work.
Harvey isn’t going to please those looking for the more dramatic and meaningful, heartfelt side to death. It doesn’t explore much beyond a stage of grief, but the people looking for an entertaining several minutes filled with drops of drama but mostly humour, will find Harvey a satisfying watch.