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Hopelessly short film review

Brian Penn

Updated: Jun 27, 2020


Directed by: #TonyClementeJr

Film review by: Brian Penn


For a five minute film called Hopelessly I do wonder whether director Tony Clemente Jr is pulling the chain of film reviewers; let’s see how hopelessly short this film review can be. Darren (Lucas Iverson) wakes up in the arms of Gabi (Franchesca Davis). They smile as a silent survey of the previous night begins. Gabi soon jumps out of bed and Darren grabs a skateboard. Are they ever going to be enough for each other; or is the perfect partner just around the corner waiting to be found?

The film examines a day in the life of a polyamory relationship, the practice of engaging in multiple sexual relationships with the consent of all the people involved; an open relationship in everyday parlance. It would appear to be an oxymoron or at very least stretch the definition of relationship to its very limit. Gabi is confined to the opening and closing frames as we see Darren embark on a voyage of discovery. The park proves to be fruitful hunting ground as he meets the handsome Sawyer (André Vauthey) and the pretty guitar playing Bennett (Idyll Tekeli). But does he find excitement or fulfilment when confronted with dazzling possibilities. At the end of the day Gabi returns in hand-in-hand with Riley (Darien La Beach); has she finally made her choice?

This is not so much a short film but a long TV commercial. With no script or spoken dialogue it relies exclusively on visuals to carry the story such as it is. With bold white captions introducing the characters it maintains a certain finesse, and does just enough to keep the viewer interested. Nicely done but it sometimes felt like an advert for Gap.


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