Directed by: Sam Talbot
Written by: Sam Talbot
Starring: William Fox, Beth Cordingly
Learning to Walk Again Film review

A sad story about a couple's deteriorating relationship.
A married couple (Fox and Cordingly) have a relationship that has reached breaking point and end up having a serious argument. She wants to move away, he does not. They also have a very young son. They shout and swear at each other and express their feelings. The two have very different points of view and it becomes apparent that they cannot be together anymore.
The film has a nonlinear narrative which keeps cutting back and forth between three sequences: the husband walking by himself alongside a river in a town, the wife walking by herself in the countryside and the argument between the two of them. There is also a brief and moving sequence that reveals the happy bond between the father and his toddler son. Although neither the man nor the child is shown, shots of toys and children's books are seen, during which their voices are heard as a voice-over while playing together, indicating that the man is a good parent.
The film focuses mainly on the couple's verbal confrontation. Both protagonists deliver great and emotional performances as individuals whose marriage is falling apart and it is heart-breaking watching them say harsh things to each other. They both have had enough of engaging in disputes and want to find a way to move on and Fox and Cordingly depict that very effectively.
The general feeling is rather melancholic. The audience is introduced to a very poignant and distressing situation: that of a loving and happy relationship coming to an end.
Emily Blacksell makes an outstanding contribution as the composer. The score that is heard throughout consists primarily of piano and violin and it is beautiful and melancholic, helping create the appropriate atmosphere.
Director Talbot creates wonderful establishing shots of nature and utilizes the characters' reflections in mirrors in order to develop interesting shots.
This short drama is upsetting but also beautiful at the same time. The strong acting and tender music are a significant bonus and it will leave the viewer with a thoughtful experience.