Directed by Sami Abusamra
Starring Tom Lorcan & Caroline Quentin
Short film review by Chris Olson
From the cheeky play on words in the title to the unabashed comedy which flows from a sterling script, Sami Abusamra’s short film, Love Me Tinder is hilarious from start to finish. Depicting a frightfully awkward encounter between a young man (Tom Lorcan) and an older lady (Caroline Quentin) who meet via some kind of social dating app, the movie is graceful in its comedy and subtle in its nuanced commentary on modern relationships.
Lorcan’s character is a reticent twenty-something, whose social anxiety is revealed through the use of outrageous flashbacks, whilst he attempts to create a romantic connection with Quentin’s liberal and easy-going older woman. The latter is a seasoned pro at the app-love game, having had numerous hook-ups, some of whom have had extraordinary requests involving women’s shoes and inserting vegetables...we digress. As the pair attempt to create a suitable mood of sexuality, they are constantly stifled by trivialities and engaging in small talk.
At its heart, Love Me Tinder is a perfectly pitched modern love story, but not one involving two people. Instead, it tells the tragic reality of the modern man or woman, who, for all the technological advances of recent decades and revolutionary attitudes about the morality of sexual congress, can still not overcome the crippling effect of trying to have sex with someone. The tiny nuances from these great performers beautifully highlight a very believable encounter, and instead of shooting for cliché or obvious social commentary, engage in a heartfelt tale of two real people dealing with a klutzy situation, whilst slipping in some fantastic lines - in particular about the cat without a name!
It felt a little chaotic in places in terms of moving the plot from beginning to a somewhat satisfying end, but overall that only compliments the frustration which the short film is so cleverly exploring. Nothing seems perfect, or regimented - especially human relationships which are so complicated from the off.
Abusamra’s delicate touch in the framing and creating intimacy in the scenes is superb, an atmosphere of comedic delight is maintained throughout, and will leave audiences desperate for more of this genuinely brilliant comedy.
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