Public Eye
Jason Knight
Posted on:
Jan 8, 2022

Directed by:
Davo Hardy
Written by:
Davo Hardy
Davo Hardy, Caroline McQuade, Jason Spindlow, Richard Littlehales
A man creates an obscene video of himself online, which (much to his dissatisfaction) goes viral.
Elliott (Hardy) is a happily married man who works as a presenter for a children's television programme called EduKidz. He has a good relationship with his wife Marcia (McQuade) and son Domicic (Littlehales) and he is hoping to land a starring role in a movie with an acclaimed director. Things appear to be going well for Elliott, until one day, he foolishly films himself with the webcam of his laptop as he masturbates and posts it on an adult website. Later, he (and his relatives and colleagues) is shocked to find out that the video of him is now all over the internet, has been viewed by countless of people and his identity has been disclosed. As his life proceeds to deteriorate due to public criticism and humiliation, Elliott must fight back and clear his name.
This interesting and entertaining adult comedy explores how the internet and social media can affect a person's life. It shows how easily and rapidly these two factors can turn one's life upside-down and it warns that people need to be careful regarding the information they choose to put on the internet. It effectively explores how influential online social media are and reveals the negative side of the internet, including online bullies, hackers and the consequences of false information being posted online.
Unsurprisingly, considering the plot, there is a great deal of adult humour and sexual content. There is a lot of sex talk and for sensitive viewers, it should be mentioned that there is very graphic nudity and sexual activities.
The movie is not all about committing a disgraceful act and the internet. The narrative also explores family values, contains emotional scenes and it presents an individual's determination to stand up for themselves and set things right.
Hardy is amusing as a simple guy who made a massive error and his life spirals out of control as a result. However, he is not the only victim here, as his wife also suffers from the wave of public anger and McQuade portrays that very well. Littlehales plays their teenage son, who reacts to the events in his own ways.
This feature provides a comical perspective on the power of the internet and social media. Due to its content, it is not for everyone, however the plot is rather intriguing, the soundtrack is entertaining and if one fancies adult jokes, they will most likely enjoy this outrageous comedy.