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Whispers of Redemption

average rating is 4 out of 5


James Learoyd


Posted on:

Mar 7, 2025

Film Reviews
Whispers of Redemption
Directed by:
Ranw Aso-Rashid
Written by:
Ranw Aso-Rashid
Ansu Njai, Jenny Rowe

Ranw Aso-Rashid's Whispers of Redemption is a sharply crafted little film with a lovely sentiment. Eric (Ansu Njai) is a young man who’s just lost his mother. With her ashes, he goes to the sea to find solace and meets Grace (Jenny Rowe) and her dog. She too has lost someone in her life, so she shares some important advice about how to keep living. There are many short films about loss, but audiences will appreciate the fact that – by the story’s end – this is far more a piece about moving on than it is about being stuck inside the pain; and the vast ocean before them serves as a lovely visual metaphor for the flowing, uncontrollable feelings our protagonist must come to accept. What we as the audience witness is simply a ten-minute, extended conversation about how we deal with mourning. It’s a deeply heartfelt piece of writing, yet it’s the filmmaking that really elevates the content...


The cinematography is incredibly strong, as is the sound design. For the more technically minded viewer, the first thing you notice is how well-lit and professionally colour-graded these shots appear. All the colours complement the seascape wonderfully, with slight greens in the highlights providing a real cinematic look. The soft lens-work and impeccable composition then go a long way to draw the eye to the actors’ faces, which then too is nicely balanced in terms of light distribution. This is all high-end work, demonstrating an awareness of industry-standard aesthetics. What heightens the craft even further is the audio of the sea, birds, and even on-location sound. It’s crisp, but not too crisp. There’s an authentic, on-location feel about the sound which adds to the sense of realism and layering.


When it comes to the performances, there are some interesting contrasts taking place. For instance – and it may not at all be the fault of the actors – but our two performers seem to be operating on slightly respective wavelengths. Both are, without a doubt, likeable and engaging screen-presences; however, while Njai opts for a toned-down, naturalistic mode of performance, Rowe is far more expressive and theatrical. Each performance works really well in isolation, but they don’t always gel together. I want to clarify that these are two obviously talented screen-actors who can convey genuine emotion confidently.


What Whispers of Redemption offers is a peaceful, reflective viewing experience which allows one to take in the space and consider the messages being conveyed. While you could argue that the script is pretty explicit when it comes to its themes and morals – far more explicit than most screenwriters might allow – the dialogue is successful in conveying complicated emotions relating to mourning and changing in such a short space of time. In this way, the interaction is reminiscent of a short story more so than a work of film; yet the location, soundscape and colour really help to build a real sense of immersion. You’re there with the characters, observing what they’re observing, placing the emotion in a physical, textural context.

About the Film Critic
James Learoyd
James Learoyd
Short Film
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